Tight Jeans - The Use of Comedy

In ‘Tight Jeans’, the way that comedy is represented, both with a literal and then a deeper meaning, is very interesting. It is demonstrated as a method that can be used to find deeper truths. In the short film, there is a heavy lean onto the performances, and onto the script, which is what creates that comedy, however, through the genuinely funny performances of the characters, and the ‘young men chat’, there is a genuine deeper meaning that each individual character comes to understand at the end of the film. The movement of the camera is also very good, as is gives different angles and shots without at any point breaking up the flow of the characters or the dialogue.

Director Destiny Ekaragha said: “I think sometimes laughter is the best way to talk about serious issues, because it stays in your head longer. Dramas are great and I’d like to do one, but at the moment I’m loving laughter.” Tight Jeans is the perfect embodiment of this, what initially begins as: “why can’t we wear jeans that tight” ends in a big debate about race and culture, in a comedic manner.


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